
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Scientist, Technologist, Proto-Feminist, Superstar

With the possible exception of Albert Einstein, Marie Curie was the most famous scientist of her era and is almost certainly the most celebrated female scientist in history. Although known primarily for her discovery of radium, her true gift to science was her realization that radioactivity is an intrinsic atomic property of matter rather than the result of more superficial chemical processes. She was one of the exceedingly rare Nobel laureates to win the prize twice (physics and chemistry).

Monday, November 19, 2012

Why Einstein Was a Genius

Albert Einstein is widely regarded as a genius, but how did he get that way? Many researchers have assumed that it took a very special brain to come up with the theory of relativity and other stunning insights that form the foundation of modern physics.

Check it out here!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Try this website to easily generate properly writen references to your sources (make sure you always revise them!): LINK

And this document from the library to learn how write them yourself: LINK
If you have an IOS operating system or an android phone then check out these great free apps to organise your schoolwork and timetables: iOS   ANDROID

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Explican los procesos genéticos necesarios que se dieron en un experimento evolutivo que dura 24 años

Check it out here!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Earlier Mass Extinction for Most of Marine Life

Most scientists agree that dinosaurs became extinct as a result of a catastrophic meteor strike 65 million years ago near the Yucatán Peninsula. But now scientists are suggesting that another mass extinction event occurred about 200,000 years earlier: a volcanic eruption on the Deccan Plateau of India.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Atomic bond types discernible in single-molecule images

A pioneering team from IBM in Zurich has published single-molecule images so detailed that the type of atomic bonds between their atoms can be discerned.
Nanographene AFM image

Friday, September 14, 2012

How to walk over water
Secrets of cornstarch fluid unveiled

Check it out here!
New monkey species identified in Democratic Republic of Congo 
Lesula found in remote forests is only the second new monkey species to be discovered in Africa in 28 years.
A new species of monkey known locally as the lesula
Check it out here!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Synthetic life: its Wonders could Revolutionize our Lives

Check it out here!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New DNA Analysis Shows Ancient Humans Interbred with Denisovans

A new high coverage DNA sequencing method reconstructs the full genome of Denisovans relatives to both Neandertals and humans from genetic fragments in a single finger bone.

Have we already colonised Mars?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome to the Science Departments Blog!

This blog belongs to and is maintained by the Science Department of "Colegio de San Francisco de Paula"